Course Description
This course is intended to provide learners with an asynchronous learning experience concentrating on the fundamentals to advanced levels of data nalysis using PLS-SEM. The course covers cutting-edge methodology, tools, and computer-assisted techniques for doing data analysis and will mainly focused on PLS-SEM using Smart PLS 4 software. The instructors will tain researchers to analyze data using PLS-SEM techniques and help them to work with their data, collecting outputs and resporting results for thesis and research articles. The course’s research output can be submitted for publication in high-impact journals or included in a PhD thesis. Experienced scholars and authors of highly cited impact factor research articles will teach the course. Videos lectures, Live classes, activities and assessments are all part of this exciting course. After each class subscribers can send their work to the trainers to receive feedback and trainers will also provide support for its improvement. The course is divided into two levels: the first focuses on basics of the data analaysis and PLS-SEM, while the second focuses on advanced levels of structural equation modeling. On weekends, there are eight live sessions, where learners can interact with trainers. All subscribers will get access to video recordings of each lesson, and after completing the Association of Professional Researchers and Academicians UK will offer a certificate of completion.
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